Foot Levelers Custom Made Orthotics

Foot Levelers Custom Made Orthotics with 3D BodyView® Digital Foot Scanner

Why Custom Orthotics? TO EASE YOUR PAIN!

Do you experience pain daily? Maybe you have plantar fasciitis or struggle with pain in your lower back? Over-the-counter inserts may not provide the relief you need. Individually designed Foot Levelers custom orthotics with 3-arch support, however, can.

We use Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of individually designed custom orthotics, to ease your pain and get you moving comfortably again.


Scanner Technology

At Le Reve Spinal Care, our Foot Levelers Kiosk, uses engaging graphics and video to show the relationship between imbalances in the feet and imbalances in the body.

Foot Levelers Stabilizing Custom Orthotics were developed by a Doctor to treat the body as a functional unit, starting with the feet. Custom Orthotics support the three arches in each foot to provide a balanced foundation and protect and support through all phases of gait. The Gait Cycle System® is patented and is only available from Foot Levelers.

Total Body Wellness

They can improve your overall health by supporting your foundation. The feet are the foundation of the body. They support you when you stand, walk, or run. Feet also help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from stress as you move.

By stabilizing and balancing your feet, Foot Levelers orthotics enhances your body’s performance and efficiency, reduces pain, and contributes to your total body wellness. Our orthotics complement your healthcare professional’s treatment when you stand, walk, and live your life in balance.

footlevelers pronation

Our Technology

Foot Levelers is the global leader in postural support products to help alleviate pain for millions of people. Their Custom Made Orthotics are clinically proven by 37 research studies to help reduce pain and improve patient wellness.

Their orthotics are made using 3D scanning technology and what Footlevelers calls their 3 Arch Advantage™.

Unlike generic, over-the-counter orthotics, Foot Levelers Stabilizing Orthotics are individually designed for your unique postural problems — not just problems with your feet.

3D Body View Scanner

Additional Documentation

Below you will find some of our Foot Levelers brochures for your review. Please take a look and give yourself an even better understanding of this amazing technology and how it will help you.
Below you will find some of our Foot Levelers brochures for your review. Please take a look and give yourself an even better understanding of this amazing technology and how it will help you.
Foot Levelers has been creating premium orthotics for almost seven decades. These orthotics are clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of pain and promote overall wellness in the entire body by providing balance from the feet up. If you suffer from imbalances caused by your feet, you may experience issues such as:
custom functional orthotics
You may not even notice any pain even when you are already suffering any of these issues. With Foot Levelers custom orthotics, such as the Sandalthotics® and Shoethotics®, you can gain proper support and positioning of your feet.

Potential issues can be found easily with scans or impressions of your feet. Orthotics are custom created from the specific scan of your feet. The Foot Levelers range provides support across the whole foot, including the 3 arches. These important parts of your foot are the strength and support that keep you balanced to ensure a pain free life and the prevention of issues in the future. If you would like to get scanned, we can help you.

A Success Story for Custom Orthotics
The success story we present to you below is a common occurrence. Kelley Andrews suffered many failed surgeries to her back and was taking painkillers daily. When she found Foot Levelers custom orthotics, her life changed. Her story is presented below.
An Orthotic to Suit Any Activity Level
Most people have different shoes for the types of activities they take part in. If this is your situation, then you should acquire a set of orthotics for every activity you take part in. Custom orthotics can be made for work, sports or leisure in adult and children’s sizes.
Benefit from multiple pairs of custom orthotics

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